22. Mai 2008
solidarisches festival im waldviertel am wochenende...
fröhliches für frühlingsregentage...
und hier noch swingiges...
21. Mai 2008
etymologisches zu arbeit...
Etymology and Meanings of Arbeit
The German translation of the word “work” is Arbeit. Arbeit is a very old word. I could even find Indo-European ancient words that have a connection to the notion. In an etymological dictionary I found: “Arbeit, f., auf Schaffung von Werten gerichtete körperliche oder geistige Tätigkeit, unselbständiger Dienst“, work, action, either physical or mental, dedicated to create value; dependent service.”[1] This definition somehow surprised me. Not being independent while working has the meaning of being within a relationship of dependence, it sounds a little bit like being a slave. Following this path it is very interesting to see that the root of the word Arbeit indeed is the indo Germanic arba, which means Knecht, translated to English: “servant”. According to other etymological dictionaries the Germanic verb arbejo is the ancient form Arbeit. It can be translated with being an orphan, being in a situation of suffering and being forced to work. The Germanic word arbejo indeed roots to the same word as the English “orphan” and as arm, German for poor, namely to the Indo European word orbh. I am impressed. If I had done the research about the German word Armut which means “poverty” it would have lead me to the same roots. Related to the word orbh is also the old Slavish word raba, which also means Knecht, servant. From this root the word “robot” developed. Following the chronology for German language, from the Indo European orbh, the Germanic arbejiz derived, which is translated with Mühsal, Not,
Two connotations of the word that immediately called my attention while researching:
1) the term Arbeit used to have a very negative meaning
2) up to the middle ages (Middle High German) it expressed something passive, something happening to you[2]
arbeitsauszüge ...
personal perspective...
While trying to get into the discussion about work during the past days, as this topic will accompany me for the next weeks it began to dawn on me that work has to do a lot with my identity. My work can tell who I am and when asking me about my work I will talk about myself. I admit, with my actual job this is a special case. Actually this is more than a job, in which working hours, creative project developing sessions with friends, discussing about development cooperation, drumming on demonstrations, reading books and articles about political philosophy or development blur in view of my personal interests. Being so much into all these activities makes it hard for me to draw the line between work and personal interests that I follow voluntarily in my free time. I am lucky! My work corresponds to my interests in a way that some things, even if I did not get paid for them, I would do them anyway. In my concept of living, my picture I have of my identity the identification with my work is very important! I will die somehow by being limited in my creativity by being forced to do boring things, to stick to too many rules and a too narrow structure. Within my little world I have found my concept of work that allows me to flow with my interests and to realize plans I dream of. And I do all this – and this is the best about it – together with my friends!
my personal concept of work...
1) Work is a creative process. It is the flow of my ideas and the making something out of it. Work allows me to leave a personal mark in every project and on every place I am active. Work allows me to satisfy the needs of self fulfilment.[1] Without doing something I cannot change anything in my environment. Without work I cannot use my creative skills neither the skills I learned during my studies. My ideal work is one I can totally dive into; in which things happen directly out of my creativity.[2] Work motivates and gives sense to human lives. I once had a very bad working situation, right after finishing my studies. I was employed in a hammock store. My only task was to sell hammocks. Although I love hammocks I was not challenged at all and got very unhappy with my whole life situation. This experience was traumatic to me and I really appreciate it to feel well and challenged with my job. At that moment I was even not able to fulfil the small tasks the shop demanded. Having a satisfying job is a precondition for a good life[3] and personal development.
2) Work is the base for economic survival. Gainful employment[4] (German: Erwerbsarbeit) is a word which is very important in our society. The background is capitalist thinking; of course, we all need money to survive. We all need employment to earn money. Gainful occupation is a type of employment that determines our daily life. In societies in which survival is based on money, and thus on employment, every human being is dependent on work. Without work we do not earn money and we cannot survive! Wealth is usually measured by productivity in capitalist societies. The gross national product tells us how much we produce per year. The national production level is the sum of work achieved by every human being! The economy is dependent on work because of productivity and human beings are dependent on work because of money. Unemployment is a constant threat to economies. The absence of work leads to poverty, thinking in terms of national economy as well as regarding the individual level. Important in this discussion is the question of insurance which in
3) Work is the base for social networks and social being. Work defines to a large extent with whom I spend a lot of time. The amount of money I earn defines –amongst other things- my recreational activities and hobbies. When I do not earn money I cannot afford going to the cinema or eating out. Without work I would probably be lonely. Many people who are jobless for a longer time are excluded from social life (stigmatisiert)[5]. By choosing a work/job we also choose our social surroundings and possibilities. By choosing a job we choose the place where to stay, the centre of our lives. I have this wonderful opportunity of having partner organisations of the youth exchange program in
work in my culture...
über die arbeit
da ich noch nicht herausgefunden habe wie ich hier pdfs hochladen kann werde ich fragmente aus dem bisher geschriebenen in die posts einfügen...
auch passend zu den bildern, onlineseminarbetreuerin ist dieses semester daniela ingruber www.nomadin.at inklusive nomadinnengedichte. sehr spannend.
einstweilen sucht mich das fernweh heim, meine ideen/pläne reichen von auslandvoluntariat bis zu projekteinsatz mit horizont 3000 bis hin zu: auf nach oacaca, mexiko, freunde besuchen u job suchen...wenn da nicht die arbeit wäre....
gerade in planung: ein benefizfest für mein studium, denn billiger wirds nicht und tanzen ist immer gut...genaueres folgt...
jede ist eine künstlerin
Jeder mensch ist ein künstler
lass dich fallen. lerne schlangen zu beobachten
pflanze unmögliche gärten
lade jemand gefährlichen zum tee ein
mache kleine zeichen, die 'ja' sagen
und verteile sie überall in deinem haus
werde ein freund von freiheit und unsicherheit
freue dich auf träume
weine bei kinofilmen
schaukle so hoch du kannst mit einer schaukel bei mondlicht
pflege verschiedene stimmungen
verweigere dich, 'verantwortlich zu sein' - tu es aus liebe!
mache eine menge nickerchen
gib geld weiter. mach es jetzt. das geld wird folgen
glaube an zauberei, lache eine menge
bade im mondschein
träume wilde, fantasievolle träume
zeichne auf die wände
lies jeden tag
stell dir vor, du wärst verzaubert
kichere mit kindern. höre alten leuten zu
öffne dich. tauche ein. sei frei. preise dich selbst
lass die angst fallen, spiele mit allem
unterhalte das kind in dir. du bist unschuldig
baue eine burg aus decken. werde nass. umarme bäume
schreibe liebesbriefe
Joseph Beuys